The future of long-lasting relief:
Lasting Effect Buccal Extended-Release Delivery System
Lasting Effect Consumer Pharma
We are a consumer driven, pharma company, devoted to research and development of beneficial products based on our novel Buccal Extended Release Drug Delivery System.
First product -Gingivitis treatment buccal extended release tablet
After extensive testing for the API that gives the best results, Lasting Effect developed an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial API. We successfully in vitro tested our tablet on Gingivitis causing bacteria. Our buccal tablet inhibited 93-96% of Gingival bacteria.
Parkinson’s symptoms arise from dopamine declines and affect patients in late stage of Parkinson disease.
The current solution for late-stage Parkinson motor complications: An invasive device/pump for continuous and prolonged delivery of L-DOPA and Carbidopa to a Parkinson’s patient with the goal to receive continuous dopaminergic stimulation.
Our solution: Buccal extended-release tablet loaded with our researched API for continuous dopamine secretion.